A loan of $216 helped to expand a wholesale business of garments.
Raza Ahmad is a hard-working young micro-entrepreneur from Faisalabad. For a long time, Raza has been looking for help to grow his business. His financial situation got worse when he became the only source of income for his household as his father got retired recently. Raza went through a rough patch in his life as he couldn’t find any business opportunity. The income he earned was spent on household expenses and his sibling’s education. Being the eldest son, he did not give up hope and supported his younger brother in becoming a police officer. His younger brother, Asad, passed Punjab Police’s test and got selected, which was a dream come true for Raza Ahmad. Raza also wants his younger siblings to focus on their studies and make their future bright like Asad has done so. Raza runs a small wholesale business of garments; he buys fabric in bulk and further sells it to garments retail stores. Raza is only able to earn a limited amount as his investment was quite low, but now he wants to expand his business and raise his income. Raza has requested a loan of $216 to grow his garments business by purchasing more fabric. Raza’s income will considerably improve as he will be able to target many retail stores. Help Raza to provide a better living to his family and save for his sibling’s education.
It helps a potential entrepreneur grow and improve his family's livelihood.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Faisalabad


Projects fundraising in Faisalabad


Project raised in Faisalabad

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 9.00
Disbursed date:
Oct 30,2019