A loan of $252 helps to publish Islamic Studies books.

Meet Muhammad Abu Bakar, one of Seed Out's most educated applicants. Abu Bakar has a Master's in Islamic Studies and he gives lectures in colleges and academies as a part-time teacher. His wife also has a bachelors and both of them have a one-year-old son. Abu Bakar is very passionate about his teaching profession and wants his students to excel and enjoy their studies. He has recently finished writing Islamic books for the first and second-year students of Gujranwala College of Technology, and is elated on finishing his writing project. Unfortunately, however, the project is not fully complete because Abu Bakar does not have the finances to get these books printed. To publish the books he has written with so much devotion, Abu Bakar requires a loan of $252 and has approached Seed Out for it. 

Your donation will bring fruit to his project and allow him to earn a better income. Abu Bakar makes a very modest income as a teacher and this project will greatly supplement his income. His responsibilities have increased with the birth of his child and with more children to come, your financial help will go a long way in helping Abu Bakar. 

Contributing donors (0)

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Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

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Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 10.80
Disbursed date:
N / A