A loan of $252 helped expand a mobile shop.
In a traffic accident, Andleeb suffered from a major injury to his leg due to which he has difficulty in walking. However, this has only helped in strengthening his resolve to work harder to support his wife and children. Andleeb, unfortunately, has seen harsh realities in life. When he married, he had vowed to give his children a comfortable life to the best of his abilities and to get them highly educated. Andleeb's son, however, is mentally challenged and both the parents are fully dedicated to taking his care. His son is also one reason why Andaleeb wants to earn well so that he can support him throughout his life. Sadly, the prospects of that are currently bleak. Andleeb's shop is almost out of stock and is on the verge of being shut down if Andleeb does not take urgent action! He has been running his shop for 7 years now and it will be devastating if his source of income collapses. Andleeb seeks help from you via Seed Out for a loan of $252 which will allow him to buy stock for his business. Expansion of his shop can bring his dreams of earning a better livelihood come true if we join our hands to help him. He would be able to provide reasonable shelter and education to his 3 growing up kids and take special care of his eldest son. Seed Out believes that every drop of water saves life and every single penny of donation matters. Andleeb can be bailed out of this depressed life by your little donations.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 10.80
Disbursed date:
Jul 17,2020