Mavia Tariq is a resident of Gujranwala. He has been a hardworking salesman since 10 years. He has worked tirelessly throughout his life to earn bread and butter for his family. He has a son of 2 years and a housewife as dependents. Mavia runs a stall of clothes at Gujranwala's main bazar. Due to extreme rise in inflation and economic instability, Mavia has suffered huge losses in his business. He has reached to a point where he requires investmnent in his clothing business. Thus he has approached to Seed Out for an interest free loan. Help Mavia in restoring his business. Donate generously!
Average annual income
Funds donated in Gujranwala
Projects fundraising in Gujranwala
Project raised in Gujranwala
# | Expected Date | Expected Amount | Amount Received | Received Date | Recovery Status |
No Repayment exists Yet |