A loan of $360 helps to provide investment to an impoverished man for a Grocery Store expansion.

In the words of the Prophet Muhammad (peace & greetings be upon him), "The best of people are those who bring the most benefit to the rest of mankind."

Mr Gulfam is a 25-year-old individual who carries the weight of immense responsibilities on his shoulders. As the sole breadwinner of his family, he supports his dependent old parents and five younger siblings. Despite his relentless efforts over the past six years, he has struggled to find stable employment that can provide a secure income for his family.

Determined to improve their circumstances, Mr Gulfam took a leap of faith and started his own grocery store a year ago. However, his business is facing challenges, and without immediate support, his family's survival hangs in the balance. Your donation can be the lifeline they desperately need.

By contributing to Mr Gulfam's cause, you have the power to make a profound impact on his family's well-being. Your support can help him stabilize and expand his grocery store, enabling him to provide for his loved ones with dignity. Your generosity will not only alleviate their financial struggles but also empower them to build a more secure future.

Together, let us embody the spirit of compassion and solidarity. Your donation can serve as a beacon of hope for Mr Gulfam and his family, helping them overcome adversity and create a path towards a brighter tomorrow. Your generosity will not only bring immediate relief but also enable them to break the cycle of poverty and build a foundation of self-sufficiency.

Donate today and be the catalyst for positive change in Mr Gulfam's life. Your contribution, no matter how small, can make a world of difference for this family, providing them with hope, stability, and the opportunity to thrive. Remember, this is your chance to be among the givers. Donate now!

Empowers the sole breadwinner of a family of 7 to become self-sufficient.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 16.20
Disbursed date:
N / A