A loan of $360 helps in the expansion of a small shoes shop.

Charity is not just giving, it's making a difference & we want you to help us in doing so!

In the bustling streets of our society, there are unsung heroes like Mr. Jameel, who have been striving for a better life for their families through sheer determination. With a heart full of love for his wife and three children, two of whom are now seeking education, Mr. Jameel has devoted the last 25 years to running a small shoe shop, providing footwear to his community.

However, as the wheel of time turns, the rising expenses have cast a shadow on Mr. Jameel's humble shoe shop. The burden of making ends meet becomes heavier each day.

SEED OUT, a beacon of hope, believes that charity goes beyond mere giving. It is about making a profound difference in people's lives. Our mission is to uplift families, transforming their struggles into opportunities for self-sufficiency.

Your generous donations can bring a ray of light into Mr. Jameel's life. By supporting his small shoe shop, you can be the catalyst for positive change, helping him fulfill his dreams of providing education and a better life for his children.

Join hands with SEED OUT to make a difference in Mr. Jameel's life and in the lives of many others. Your act of charity can create a lasting impact, empowering him to overcome the challenges of rising expenses.

Be the driving force of change for Mr. Jameel. Your donation can be the stepping stone towards a brighter future for his family. Let compassion guide your heart. Help now and be the difference-maker in someone's life. Donate now!

Enables a father of 3 to secure his children's future.
Contributing donors (0)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 18.00
Disbursed date:
N / A