A loan of $432 helps to expand a humble spare parts business.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts, but sometimes all it takes is a small push in order to thrive. Be that push!

Introducing Mr Aslam, a hardworking individual determined to create a better future for his family. At the age of 36, Mr Aslam is married and has an infant son. As a loving father, he dreams of providing his son with a life free from scarcity and poverty. Currently, he runs an auto spare parts shop, which has been his source of livelihood.

However, Mr Aslam's aspirations extend beyond his current circumstances. He envisions expanding his business, not only to secure a better life for his family but also to contribute to his community's economic growth. By expanding his auto spare parts shop, Mr Aslam can create more opportunities for himself and others.

To turn his dreams into reality, Mr Aslam needs your support. Your generous donations can help him access the necessary resources to expand his business. With additional capital, he can diversify his inventory, reach a broader customer base, and increase his income. This expansion will not only benefit Mr Aslam and his family but also contribute to the local economy by creating employment opportunities.

By investing in Mr Aslam's vision, you can be a catalyst for change. Your contributions will empower him to overcome financial barriers and transform his son's future. Together, we can break the cycle of scarcity and poverty, providing a foundation of stability and opportunity for generations to come.

Join us in supporting Mr Aslam's journey towards success. Your donation, regardless of the amount, will make a significant difference in his life and enable him to build a prosperous future for his family. Together, let us embrace the courage to continue, ensuring that Mr Aslam's aspirations become a reality.

Donate today and be a part of Mr Aslam's journey towards a life of abundance. Your contribution will empower him to expand his auto spare parts shop, create a brighter future for his son, and inspire others to overcome their own challenges. Together, we can make a lasting impact and help individuals like Mr Aslam break free from the constraints of scarcity and build a life of prosperity. Donate now!

Enables a man to be sufficient for his growing family.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Bahawalnagar


Projects fundraising in Bahawalnagar


Project raised in Bahawalnagar

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 18.00
Disbursed date:
N / A