Voluptas sit dolore

My name is Devin Bowers and I am a student from Athmuqam, Pakistan. I am currently in my final year of high school and am looking to pursue higher education. I have been accepted to the Government College University (GCU) in Lahore, Pakistan, but unfortunately, I am unable to afford the tuition fees. I am a hardworking student and have worked hard to get to where I am today. I have achieved good grades in school and am passionate about learning. My dream is to pursue a degree in Business Administration from GCU, but I am unable to do so without financial assistance. This is why I am turning to SeedOut, an online crowdfunding website, to help me achieve my dream. I am requesting a donation of Rs. 150,000 to cover the tuition fees for my first year at GCU. I am confident that with your help, I can continue my studies and make a positive contribution to society. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.


Average annual income


Funds donated in Athmuqam


Projects fundraising in Athmuqam


Project raised in Athmuqam

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